Running a business can be difficult, no one can predict when something might happen that would disrupt the normal flow and function of your business. That being said, taking the time to put a plan in action and to know what your options are can help you get back to business no matter what happens. With the help of Business Continuity Management (BCM) you can get your business back on track.
What is Business Continuity Management (BCM)?
Business Continuity Management is key to success when it comes to getting your business back on track. Business Continuity Management can be anything from cloud based software to protect your organization from possible threats, to help with the recovery of information after a disaster or disruption, or to help with the overall recovery process. Here at RDI we work with your team to create a business continuity plan that is going to focus on making sure that your business is ready for anything that might come along and is key for success in recovery after something happens.
There is a huge range of different issues that have the potential to disrupt your business and change the way that your organization operates. Things like natural disaster, financial disaster, issues with employees, and even things like damage to the office building. Disruption to the way your organization functions can have a huge affect on the success of your business. Our experts ensure you have a plan in order so that you can get back to work after a disruption certainly does make a difference.
Business Continuity Management Framework
Creating a business continuity (BCM) framework can help you to get your business back on track faster and can help you make sure you are able to recover after disaster. There are a few different ways to create your framework and to start to create your recovery process. A basic framework is meant to help your disaster recovery from both physical damage to your business and other threats like those to cyber security and company wide data breaches. To find out more about security management check out our managed services security provider page.
A helpful way to look at a framework is to consider it a recovery plan that is going to make the process of coming back after a disaster or other disturbance easier. It could be a backed up data source like a cloud server (see server cost for a small business) that contains all your business information or it could be a secondary site that you are going to use if something happens to your main work area. Each framework is going to be specific to the company that we are working with or the company that you are running. We would not have the same recovery process for a dog groomer as we would for a security company for instance. A good framework is going to help to facilitate easier recovery and a faster return to business as usual.
The Value of Business Continuity Management
Business Continuity Management (BCM) has the potential to truly change your business and make a huge difference in the way your organization functions. The first benefit is that we help your organization meet legal and regulatory compliance laws that might be in place. For a huge range of businesses there are tons of different regulations and laws that your business must observe and meet in order to continue running and operating. Our business continuity management plan not only helps you to figure out what to do in case of emergencies, it also helps you to figure out if your business meets the basic requirements of your state or area of operation.
Insurance companies like to see a continuity program in place for the businesses that they work with both new and old. Insurance coverage is different from company to company but the vast majority of insurance companies are going to be far more likely to offer maximum coverage to those businesses that have a disaster plan or a continuity plan in place. The reason being that a company that has a disaster plan or a recovery plan in place is going to be able to get back to work faster as opposed to a company that does not. Being able to bounce back does instill a sense of security and also does make an insurance company feel better about insuring an organization.
Business continuity management (BCM) also helps companies outline what they expect from their vendors. You can use this type of plan to create a list of expectations or demands for vendors in order to continue business after a disaster. If you have a plan in place you can set up alternate deliveries, you can set up a means of continuing operation after a disaster, and you can get back on track faster.
Yet another benefit of our business continuity plans is that they help boost the overall reputation and resilience of your business. With a plan in order you can minimize threats, protect information, maximize resources and truly get operations back to normal faster. Though it is a sore spot for some, many people judge an organization by how they respond to disaster and also how they come back if something does happen. Our experts here at RDI will help with planning to make sure that you minimize the potential for prolonged closure of your organization, loss of business, and even make sure that your employees are cared for as well. Being able to bounce back quickly can help you get your information back up and running and make sure that your clients and customers can continue working with you. A virtual chief information officer can help manage information and add value to the company.
Benefits of Business Continuity Management System
There are endless benefits to a business continuity management system. The first is of course that you are not going to have to manage everything on your own. Though you can create a basic plan that might work for you, it is always going to be best to take the time to either hire a business continuity management company or a business continuity manager to help you formulate and create your recovery plan and then execute it when the time is right and when something does happen. Having an idea of what you would do if something happens does take away some of the stress from running a business. It helps business owners, insurance companies, and employees to have peace of mind that if something did happen, there is a recovery process in place to get things back to normal.
What is Business Continuity Planning?
The planning process is going to involve a few different aspects. For starters, each company is different and we make sure to keep that in mind. What works for one organization, or even a hundred may not be what’s best for your specific needs. We will take the information that is stored and used in your day to day into consideration, and consider the building, what you sell, what you do, and even the employees and day to day staff that you have on hand. We all feel better when there is some sort of idea of what to do in place so that if something does happen you can minimize panic and you can maximize the process of getting back to normal.
With planning we are able to look at every aspect of your individual operations and organization to formulate a strategy that is going to work and will be easy to institute and get rolling. Planning allows you to take the time to find out what is going to work best and to really make sure that you are ready and able to come back if something does happen.
What Does a Business Continuity Manager Do?
A business continuity manager does just what you might suppose, they help to create the strategy, and they may help with implementation if needed. Our professionals here at RDI have the skills, the ideas, and the experience to create a blueprint that is going to be specific to the needs of your particular business. Instead of trying to use a one size fits all option, we map out what works for your enterprise so that you can get back to work faster, easier, and with less stress and effort than if you were trying to do it all alone.
This is especially helpful for smaller companies that might not have the skills or the know how to make their own scheme and then put it in order. A good manager, like RDI, can help you to get your strategy in writing so that you can quickly and easily access it when something happens. These blueprints may include evacuation plans, it might include insurance company numbers and other numbers that are going to help with the process, and it may even have information about how to access your data and other resources after something happens. Having an idea about salvaging as much as possible after a disaster can truly help to minimize stress and make getting back to business possible.
RDI Intuitive Technical can help you to create your strategy and manage it so that you are able to get back to work faster and stop worrying so much. Having a great company on your side to help with these tasks can make them faster, easier, and can make truly salvaging a company possible so that you do not have to wonder what you should do next if something does happen. Contact RDI Intuitive Technical today if you are a new or returning customer to find out how to begin the process.