1. Table of Contents
Today’s article is for the phone administrator running an Asterisk-based voip server that wants to enhance their voicemail feature set for their users. We assume you are familiar with Asterisk and dialplan basics. With this as the foundation, we show how you can provide the callback and dial out features that are among the most coveted features you can make available in the Comedian Mail voicemail system.
So why are users so keen to have access to the callback and dial out features? In short: it allows them to place calls without revealing their phone number to the people they are calling. This is most useful when people are checking their voicemail with a personal cell phone and do not wish to reveal their cell number to the world. Using the voicemail system’s callback and dial out features, it is possible to make calls using your personal cell phone while those you are calling see only the caller ID of your company or other affiliated entity.
Let’s review the two features we are discussing today:
The Callback Feature
When you select the callback option in the advanced menu, you are asking the voicemail system to dial the phone number of the person who left you the current voicemail message. This only makes sense if you are reviewing a voicemail message, so for this reason you only find the callback feature in the menu for Advanced Options when listening to messages.
Using the callback feature makes possible two key advantages:
- Automated Dialing – The system knows what phone number left the voicemail message, and thus ensures that the number is dialed correctly to reach that person.
- Caller ID Substitution – The voicemail system is initiating the call, and is thus able to set the Caller ID number to something other than your own phone number. Typically this is used to call people with your personal cell phone and ensure that the caller ID your callers see is an official company phone number and not your cell phone’s number (as would otherwise be the case).
The Dialout Feature
The dialout feature is similar to a callback in that it allows the user to make a phone call using the voicemail system. However, the dialout feature requires the user to specify the number to dial. It is not tied to a particular voicemail message, and thus will appear when enabled in both the top-level Advanced Options menu, as well as the Advanced Options menu when reviewing messages.
The dialout feature is more flexible than the callback because the user is asked to enter the number to dial. This is made even more powerful because you can dial a ‘*’ as part of the number, opening the door for supporting feature codes and other possibilities.
Typically, the system will have you specify a 10-digit phone number to dial, and then make that call with your caller ID set to that of your Company’s main phone number, or similar. This is what we will be showing you in this article, as it is the most common implementation and usually what people expect.
However, keep in mind that dialout (and callback too, really) can in fact do just about anything. The dialout feature invokes custom dialplan code, which opens the door to advanced behaviors limited only by your expertise and imagination. If you wish to, and have the skills, you can instead present the user with a speed dial menu to choose from, or have them say the number to dial by hooking into a speech recognition API – or just about anything else you can dream up.
HowTo: Add Callback and Dialout Features To Your Phone System
Setting aside our dreams of how awesome we might one day make these features – let’s start at the beginning. To make these features available, it all comes down to making two key changes to your phone system:
- Edit voicemail.conf - Updating the voicemail.conf file to set the appropriate configuration values. We go into detail on this aspect in the Modifying Voicemail.conf section.
- Write dialplan handlers - Writing the custom dialplan code that the voicemail system will invoke on behalf of your users when they select the advanced feature. We cover this in the Dialplan Edits section.
We hope you enjoy this, the first of many technical articles to come.
-RDI Intuitive / CityVoIP
The first task in supporting callbacks and dial out is to set the appropriate options in your voicemail.conf file. These options can be specified either in the global settings or on a per-user basis. Figure 1 shows how you would arrange for all users of your voicemail system to be able to use the callback and dialout features, by setting the values in the [general] section of the configuration file:

You can also specify these same options for specific users by setting them in the options section of their voicemail.conf entry. Figure 2 shows how this done at the user/extension level:

Notice that we separate the options with a vertical bar ‘|’. Also, we don’t have to give each user the same values. In the dialplan above, user 102 invokes vm_bobsCB when they use the callback feature, while user’s 103 and 104 both invoke vm_callback when they activate that feature.
We also control who has what feature set by using the vertical bar to allow user 103 to have both dialout and callback capabilities. Thus, for the voicemail-example-group shown, only user 103 will be able to dial out, while everyone but 105 can use the callback option. Poor 105 has neither feature enabled, and must look on with envy while the other users make callbacks and dial out to their heart’s content.
When you have the voicemail.conf file updated and ready to rock-and-roll, be sure to reload the voicemail system inside asterisk via:
Once you have enabled the callback and/or dialout options in the voicemail.conf file, your next task is to create the context that those options referenced. Here is the user experience right up to the point where your dialplan context will be invoked:
Pre-requisite: As mentioned, you need to be reviewing a message for this feature to be available.
- Press Option ‘3’ to select Advanced Options while reviewing a message
- Press Option ‘2’ to request a callback for the current message.
- The system will then read back to you the phone number for the person who left the message, one digit at a time.
- You will then be asked if you wish to call that number or return to the main menu.
- Press Option ‘1’ to dial the number
The system then invokes your callback context like so:
Goto( vm_callback, $VMAIL_CALLBACK_NUM, 1)
where $VMAIL_CALLBACK_NUM is the caller id number of the voicemail message currently under review.
Code Review: vm_callback Context
Figure 3 shows an example of a callback context that does what is expected once the Goto() is invoked in the last step above. This code is designed to be placed in your general extensions.conf file, or similar equivalent. Let’s review the context and make sure everything it does is clear:

- Line 1: Declaration of vm_callback context.
- Line 2: Main number handler. We use pattern matching to catch any 10 digit number that is dialed with a 1 prefix. Since we are pattern matching, we begin the extension with _. Then, we specify the 1 that we expect to see no matter what – followed by an ‘N’ to catch anything from 2-9. This is because area codes in the US/Canada do not start with 0 or 1. After the ‘N’ we have 9 more ‘X’ digits – to catch whatever the phone number might be.
- Line 3: Set Outbound CallerID number. This is the magic line that makes this feature so attractive. We set the outbound caller ID to be the value of the variable “CLIENT_CID”, allowing the caller to hide their own personal phone number and instead use this as their caller ID. If CLIENT_CID is set to the main number for your user’s company, for example, this will allow them to make voicemail callbacks with their caller ID appearing as if the call originates from the company’s phone system – regardless of the true phone that is being used.
- Line 4: Dial Command. This is tailored to our particular provider, which requires outbound calls to have a starting ‘1’ digit for the US & Canada, followed by the ten digit number to dial. We assume SIP is being used here – but the call could as easily be made with PJSIP as the default. The number is then followed by an ‘@’ sign and then the trunk we are using to handle the outbound call. In this code, we assume you have this defined in a variable named OUTBOUND_GW.
- To make sure you get this right for your system, we recommend that you examine a Dial() command in one of your other dial plan files to determine the proper format to use for the command here.
- Line 5: Hangup . There is no returning back to the voicemail system once the call is complete, so Hangup() is appropriate here.
Alternate Handler for 10 Digits Only:
- Line 7 : We add a handler for numbers that do not start with a 1 already when the vm_callback is invoked. It is the same as the main handler, but with the 1 removed. To promote code re-use, we simply invoke the _1NXXXXXXXXX handler by issuing:Goto(vm_callback,1${EXTEN},1)on Line 8.
Invalid Extension Handler
Line 11: We set up an invalid extension handler here to provide a short message informing the user that the callback number they wanted us to dial for them is not supported. You would probably want something better than the Playback message used on Line 12 for a production environment. The primary purpose of the invalid handler is to catch the case where the voicemail caller ID is that of a local extension. Our handler doesn’t support callbacks for these types of messages, and the message we play for the user here is intended to let them know that.
Why don’t we support local extension callbacks? See the note below:
Note on Local Extension Callbacks
In the interest of space and clarity, we did not include in our vm_callback handler matches for local extensions. Part of the reason is that we don’t know what extension range your local system might be using, nor what mechanism you might use to dial them. For example, CityVoIP uses PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS to dial our extensions – allowing for multiple devices to be associated with a single extension handler. Trying to cover these various possibilities would not be clear and concise code, and rather than complicate what is otherwise a straightforward handler, we chose to leave this aspect as an exercise for the reader.
The dial out handler can be the same as the callback handler, or it can be a separate context. The primary difference between the callback and the dial out is that the user is prompted by Comedian Mail to enter the number they wish to dial, followed by the # key. This is the number that is then passed on to the handler, invoking the equivalent of:
- Goto(vm_dialout,${NUMBER_USER_ENTERED},1)
This actually opens the door for a lot of flexibility – depending on how much effort you wish to put into the feature. We will discuss a few possibilities in a moment, but first let us review the example dialout handler that provides basic dialout support, shown in Figure 4:

This handler is essentially the same as the callback handler, so we won’t go over it in detail like we did the callback version. Just keep in mind the major points from that previous review:
- The handler only accepts 10 digit phone numbers, as well as a ten-digit phone number prefixed with a ‘1’.
- CallerID is set to match the value of the dialplan variable CLIENT_CID – which must be set prior to the voicemail system being invoked by the caller.
Outbound calls are presumed to be SIP/ based, but could also be PJSIP with minor modification. The gateway to send the call out on is stored in the dialplan variable OUTBOUND_GW for our example.
Dial Out Invalid Handler
The one part of our handler for dialout that is different from the callback handler is the invalid extension. Here we cover all non-10-digit numbers with a message that is customized for dial out. Specifically:
- Line 12 is where this announcement is made to the user. The CanOnlyDial10DigitNumber (highlighted in yellow) is presumed to be a pre-recorded sound file with that file name that effectively says:
“We’re sorry, this feature only supports dialing out for 10 digit telephone numbers. Please try again using a phone number with area code”
Endless Possibilities
We want to offer a few ideas for how to improve the basic handler shown here. The dialout feature is the one that offers the most flexibility due to the user being able to enter the number to call back. Keep in mind that the user can dial the ‘*’ (asterisk) character as part of the number they enter as long as it is not the first digit (because Comedian Mail uses ‘*’ to return to the previous menu’ (it just can’t be the first digit) – which opens the door for a feature-code system if you wish to add it.
What do we mean by “a feature-code system”? Ah, I’m glad you asked.
Simple Feature Code Example:
To give you an idea of what we mean when we say “feature-code system”, imagine the following system for allowing the user to specify what caller ID number they want to use for the outgoing call:
- System supports a prefix of 1* or 2*, followed by a ten digit number to dial, or dialing the number without a prefix.
- Numbers dialed with the 1* prefix will use CallerID number (A)
- Numbers dialed with the 2* prefix will use CallerID number (B)
- Numbers dialed without a prefix will not set the caller ID, and will instead let the user’s normal Caller ID be used for the outgoing call. (meaning that call will not hide their caller ID by using a substitute).
Using this simple system, the user can control what caller ID is presented to those they contact without needing to do more than dial two extra digits before the number.
This is only the start of what can be made available through a feature-code system. What else is possible? Well, let us see…
Other Feature Code Suggestions
The feature code example shown above could be used to trigger other features, such as 5* to trigger call recording, or 8* to play a pre-recorded message. The system can be made to support multiple feature-codes in a single call by simply chaining them together on the front of the call. Figure 5 shows a simple three-code system that does this:

Using wild-card matches allows “chaining” to occur by matching the first 2 digits that make up the feature code, setting a state variable for later recall, and then calling the handler recursively with the remainder of the number to process any further prefix codes. When the number is reduced to the bare 10-digit number, or ‘1’ followed by ten digits, then the standard handler for dialing out is invoked.
The standard handler for dialing out is modified to check the state variables to add the special functionality as requested. Specifically:
- Line 3 - checks the CID_NUM If this variable has been set to a value, then that value is used as the caller ID for the outbound call.
- Line 4 checks the RECORD_CALL state variable and, if set, invokes the routine “RecordCall”, which is presumed to set up the call recording appropriately.
- Best Practices - Note that these two lines are streamlined without error checking and best practices for coding your dialplan. In particular, production code should check the value of the CID_NUM variable to ensure it is correct. Further, the dialplan as a whole should have a match for invalid feature codes to give a good error message to the user.
Using an IVR and other Ideas
As an alternative to feature codes, you could accept a standard number to dial and then provide the user with an IVR to select the features they want for the call. Use of a menu instead of feature codes has two advantages for the user to make up for the drawback of increased complexity:
- Works for callback users too – because a menu does not rely on the user being able to dial the number ahead of time, it can be inserted into the callback handler to provide the features to those users as well as your dialout users.
- Self-documenting – The message describing the menu allows you to inform your users as to what features are available and how to invoke them. Embedded feature codes are great, but they do rely on the user knowing of them ahead of time.
The following list is a starting point for considering what features you might want to provide to your users over time as you “flesh out” your callback and dialout handlers. Taking the time to add support for a feature in this list will often benefit your users across the board – thus justifying the time spent adding them.
- Functionality Ideas
- Allow user to select the desired caller ID from a preset list of valid numbers.
- Allow the use to turn on call recording
- Bridge the call with one or more users
- Bring in a listener for a whisper session so they can observe the call and provide help if needed.
- Play a standard disclaimer before the call begins
- Allow the number to be blocked on your system going forward
- Opt to end the call with a survey or similar mechanism.
- System Enhancements
- Announce info about the area code and/or NXX.
Inform the caller the last time they called the number, assuming you have that information stored in a database that can be easily queried, etc..
We want to close out this article with a brief discussion about security. As everyone knows, the world is becoming more dangerous every day – and hackers are continually seeking ways to break into phone systems in order to make calls to high-toll phone numbers and instigate other nefarious activities.
The features we describe in this article represent a potential security hole in your phone system, as they offer the ability to make phone calls through the voicemail system alone. All it takes is someone with a weak passcode having an intruder guess their voicemail credentials. Once they have done this for an account where the callback or dialout options are available, they can make an outbound, arbitrary phone call.
For the dialout feature, this is as simple as dialing the number desired. The callback feature is also abusable in a similar way, with just slightly more setup work:
- Hacker arranges to call in with their caller ID set to the number they wish to be able to call out to.
- They then leave voicemail message for the voicemail account they have compromised.
- Call in to the voicemail system, navigate to this message, and invoke the callback handler
- Repeat Step 3 as many times as the system will allow.
We recommend the following security measures be a part of any use of the dialout or callback features being enabled, in order of importance:
- Strong voicemail passwords with 5 digits or more – no patterns or
- Limit access to callback & dialout via 7-10 digit PIN
- Restrict access to internal phones if possible
- Limit outbound calls by area code – the FTC provided a list back in 2014 that is still a good starting point for a ban list:
- Limit maximum number of dialouts or callbacks allowed in a given time period. The idea is that even if hacked, the evil-doers wont’ be able to generate more than X calls per hour using the features.
Ensure the voicemail system has maxlogins set to a value of 3 or less.
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